November 22 - December 1, 2024

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Attendees' Experiences


It was the Spiritual enlightment, that entered my soul, and brought me to a higher awareness of my Din, the Muslim, and the Historical journey of Allah's Prophets and Messengers, and their missions that they took whole handedly to please the Creator of the Heavens and Earth.


I am very grateful that I get to embark on this journey with you all. I am a changed person and I used to be really scared about dying and death. I went on Umrah and my fear disappeared. I used to be very lazy about doing tahajjud, but now get up every night to pray 5, 7 and sometimes 9 rakats.

Personal it was an eye opener for me. To be able to set my foot where many Ambiyaa's and companions have been. It's such a blessing. All the places we visit each has a unique way of impacting personally and looking forward to spread it throughout my community.

I gained so much knowledge on the history and the seerah of the prophet saw and how to apply this to everyday life. Also how to make better duas and salawaat, all of which I look forward to sharing with my family.


I gained a lot from the daily dikry lectures, the in depth knowledge of all the teachers and the organizers of this trip, how they got the local sheiks in guiding us to all the places of interest and their hospitality.


Shaykha leashas ability to bring the story to life with genuine passion and charisma. Ustadh Mahdys talks and applying it to real life with actions you can take away, and salawaat. Sheik mendes sharing the stories in the tours and helping us appreciate the history and struggle they went through.

I loved every moment that I spent there with the group, there isn't a single day that I spend and don't talk about how much I want to go back there. My entire heart is back there. I feel so blessed, and so grateful for everything. I prayed so much for Allah to help me wear the hijab, and since I came back I haven't gotten out of my house without it Masha'Allah. I feel like I've grown so much spiritually and my love for my religion increased a lot. I loved learning about our beloved prophet (SAW), I loved learning about myself as a Muslim woman, I loved spending time with each and everyone of you, I have learned so much and met so many amazing people Masha'Allah. Thank you for giving me the chance to be a part of this journey. May Allah invite us again soon


The visit to Jerusalem and to see and pray in Al Aqsal masjid. To see first hand what the Palestinians go through every day the inhumane suppressive treatment of these people in their own land and most of them could not come to pray in Al Aqsal masjid and the ones that live there are under the constant watch of Israelis soldiers pointing the guns at them. Most of the time you hear the way the Palestinians are being treated but to see it with your own eyes is disheartening. May Almighty Allah continue to give them the strength to persevere and grant them freedom.In Sha Allah.

I had visited Mecca and Medina with groups but my experience with Celebrate Mercy is different in how the leaders organized the trip and gave us the company of these amazing lecturers.

I regained a connection with my Deen and this was such a memorable and beautiful trip. I regained this deep childhood love I had for things like Mecca and the stories of the prophet, all these years I've grown up in America I began to feel disconnected and now I feel that connection again Alhamdulilah.


 Every teacher has a beautiful way of conveying their lessons and they're duas were so heart warming and moving. The stories they told were sensational and mashallah the group leaders worked so hard to make everything so comfortable and great for us Im so grateful alhamdulilah.


I loved the first visit to Masjid Aqsa. It was just beautiful- the Kabbah of course was the highlight but after all that traveling and the first view of the Masjid Aqsa was astonishing and so magnificent.

leasha warrior spirit

Mendes gentle yet solid lecture style

Mahdys compassion & joyful spirit

M.Rasul caretaking & guardian spirit

Tarek vision & resourcefulness

Mariam logistical support & flexibility

Faduma humor, inner/outer light & helpfulness

A trip of a lifetime, the positive energy, the life lessons, the generosity of strangers I crossed paths with, the generosity of the teachers in sharing their knowledge and duas. The humor and grace displayed under pressure. Most of all I love my room mate, Sister Najat Oumessaoud, the Quran Teacher. We got along in every excellent way. Allihamdulilahi!


Allihamdulilahi, gained a lot of new knowledge about the Muslims of Palestine, the graves, the Prophet (PBOH), dua, new Brothers and Sisters (that I pray I meet in Jannah), Spiritual rejuvenation.

  1. AL Aqsa Masjid, The Dome of the Rock Cave. I stayed in there for a few hours, just reading my Qur'an quietly.
  2. Allihamdulilahi, Loved climbing Al Jabal Noor and visiting the Hira Cave.
  3. The Blessed Tree - still humbled by this visit.
  4. Horse riding in Petra, definitely was fun.

The generosity of all the teachers in sharing their knowledge and duas.

The humor, patience and grace displayed under pressure.


I would need pages n pages to describe my experiences from this trip. In short, I have lived some of the best days of my life in this trip. The CM organizers went above and beyond to make this trip an incredible experience for everyone. The patience that Tarek and Mohamed Rasoul had shown with the group throughout the trip was something to learn from. It's 2 weeks now but I haven't stopped talking about it. I hope I inspire other people to learn more and to visit these places. Jazakamullahuqairan!

MashaAllah each one of them had their strengths. But at a personal level, dua is my sword so I loved Sheikha Ayesha's heartfelt intense duas and the calm advices of Sheikh Majdi

Can't put into words how grateful I am I experienced my first Umrah with Celebrate Mercy. Thank you so much for this opportunity and memories that will forever stay with me thank you for allowing me to meet many wonderful people from all over world. May Allah swt rewards you with many good deeds.

I wanted to take this occasion to thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity. Never in my 25 years in this world I would have imagined going to Umrah so young. I am immensely grateful for everything that you have done for me. You not only gave me the opportunity to increase my spirituality, but you also gave me the opportunity to meet wonderful people that impacted my life in the most beautiful way. I was lost for so long, but because of you, I was able to find myself again, I was able to grow, and learn so much on the journey of our beloved Prophet (SAW). Today more than ever, I am a better version of myself Masha'Allah. I pray that Allah blesses and protects you and your beautiful family, I pray that Allah protects all the celebrate mercy team and brings eternal blessings on you. Thank you a million times and have a safe trip back home.


 Just echoing what everyone said, Jazakum Allahu Khayran to everyone involved in this life changing trip. From DST to CM to the other attendees this group was better than I could've even imagined for my first umrah. Subhanallah we started as complete strangers but I've grown so deeply fond of you all and our time together solely because of our shared love of Allah which is such a special connection to have. Special shout out to sister Dimple for helping me and the several others who had delayed or canceled flights back home despite the fact that she wasn't even physically there with us. May Allah swt accept from us all, facilitate our tasks, forgive our shortcomings, protect us from all harm, bring us closer to Him, and increase our loved for His beloved prophet. I truly love you all for the sake of Allah and pray we can meet InshaAllah for umrah again and then hopefully in the highest level of paradise! Please keep me and my family in your prayers, you all are already in mine. I sincerely wish you all nothing but the best, may Allah shower all of you and your loved ones in His infinite love and mercy.


Alhamdulillah I'm so grateful to have been blessed to come on this Umrah trip with this group, organizers, and leaders. It was definitely an experience that will leave a mark, InshaAllah. May Allah accept our ibadah and may we meet again, if not here, then in Jannah.

Please keep me in your duas

I wanted to thank Celebrate Mercy for this once in a lifetime opportunity. I have returned with a deeper and renewed understanding of our Deen and especially our rasul (pbuh).

Thank you to Brother Tariq El Messidi for his vision and work for the ummah, thank you to the celebrate mercy travel team for being so responsive and helpful during this process and a special thank you to Mohammed and Sara for making everything running smoothly for all of us. Our teachers Sheikh Hasib and Dr. Rania nurtured our souls with their wealth of knowledge and wisdom. May Allah reward all of you generously with his rehma, Ameen.


Assalamu Alaikum everyone. This trip has definitely been life changing, to say the least. Jazakallah khair to everyone for everything. Insha Allah, we will meet again. Every last one of you and your families will forever be in my duas. I will continue to make duas that Allah SWT keep us all in the straight path and unite us all in jannatul firdaus, Ameen

I really enjoyed the trip and it'll helped me connect me to the Divine in a deeper way In the company of wonderful peers and quality teachers..

Exceptional job- amazing himmah of staff and participants. Tarek was amazing and calm always mashallah. Muhammad rasul and Fatima were stand outs! St. George, Conrad and taqwa hotels all very comfortable and amazing. The entire trip was exceptional mashallah! Highly recommend

I really enjoyed the trip and it'll helped me connect me to the Divine in a deeper way In the company of wonderful peers and quality teachers..

This was overall an excellent trip that was well executed MashaAllahhhh. I would def recommend CM to others. My feedback is being constructive and hoping minor improvements can be made. Issues were managed well and team was so excellent in terms of CM.

The trip I just experienced was a once in a lifetime. Even if I did it again it would not be the same without the organizers, the shaykhs, the group leaders, and companions. Shout out to Shaykh lesha for preparing us the whole step of the way so that when we were faced with hardship we knew what to expect and how to deal with it. Shout out to Muhammad Rasoul for physical being with the group the entire time even in the hotels. Shout out to shaykh Tarek for keeping us all in line and on time for all of our endeavors. Shout out to shaykh Mahdi for keeping our tongues wet with salawat and reminding us of our bigger purpose. Shout out to Fatima and Maryam for being so down to earth and adding a hint of young, humor, and calmness to the group we definitely needed that aspect. Thank you celebrate mercy for allowing me to be apart of such an amazing blessed trip.


I thought I knew and loved my rabb, my Prophet SAW, and my religion...and then CM showed me a whole new dimension. Alhumdullilah.

Also, a special shoutout out to sisters Dimple, Noor and Br. Subhan who have always been patient and proactive with our concerns. May Allah reward one and all associated with CM. Aameen


I just wanted to thank Celebrate Mercy for coordinating such a smooth and seamless Umrah for my kids and I today. This was not our first time but it was so comforting to be with such a big and caring group. Each and every person in the group took some part in directing us, making sure we weren't getting cut off from the group, blocking other pilgrims from getting in between us and the group etc. Having you all there really allowed me to focus more on the kids and their actual Ibadah as opposed to the anxiety of the crowd. Special thank you to Dr. Rania for leading us the entire way and making sure we did our umrah properly, Br. Mohamed for being so kind & gentle but keeping us safe the whole time, Sr. Anne for literally holding a hand during tawaf and driving my girls for sai, and of course my sister Sara for being my biggest support, not just with this Umrah, but my whole life in general!

The only way you could have improved on the trip would have been to extend our stay a few months!!! Lol!

Honestly, I can't think of one thing you could have done to make the trip more enjoyable and fulfilling. It was a dream come true! All the extras and bonuses added wonder and surprise to an already exceptional experience!

This was an amazing experience! Im not sure how a travel opportunity can ever top this! I felt the thought and care that went into this planning! I will be sharing my experience with others in my community and recommending that they all look into this for themselves.

Celebrate Mercy, thank you all for being such excellent hosts. You were all there with us. It was lovely to see your posts on the group and i loved seeing you included and impacted. We felt well cared for. The teachers led with Humilty, grace and humour. We laughed and we cried!

Mohamed was a powerhouse and really was an excellent group leader. He checked on everyone all the time. He deserves a medal!


This was the trip of a lifetime thanks to Celebrate Mercy and Dar El Salam

This entire trip was such a beautiful experience. I feel as though my soul has been rejuvenated, and that I had experienced a spiritual rebirth. Since coming back, I have been more cognisant of what I consumed, and how that can affect me spiritually. I I have also been implementing more dhikr and salawaat in my daily life.


The accessibility! The teachers were there, and it was so easy to talk and interact with them-there we're so many instances in which you could just listen to them, and that was a unique experience for me, because I have never had the opportunity, prior to the trip, to really sit, and listen to scholars in the way that I had.

I want to reiterate that my experience with CelebrateMercy was absolutely amazing, and such a dream. CM not only allowed me to reconnect with aspects of my heritage and culture, but also took me on a truly transformative spiritual experience, and I am forever grateful for that. Thank you for all that you do.


Assalaam alaykem wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu CM & everyone, Wallahi very had to believe we were all gathered together in the Holy Precincts of Hijaz, very recently. Wallahi jazakAllah khayr to

everyone that made this extraordinary trip possible... it was immensely powerful, and life-changing, and everyone at Celebrate Mercy did an absolutely incredible job... May Allah Azza wa Jal reward you- it was truly exceptional and unprecedented experience .... May Allah Azza wa Jal raise high all those involved in this lofty affair, and resolve any struggles or difficulties with a Mighty grant and divine support inshallah... jazakAllah khayr for everything

Wallahi, the Umrah trip was so jam-packed with exceptional, unprecedented activities and events, that find hard pressed to even be able to summarize or encapsulate the experience, mashAllah. Highlights of the trip (which were actually countless, like celestial pearls) include: travelling amongst the diverse and beautiful group of believers; listening to the fountains of inspiration, knowledge and wisdom from our blessed teachers, Sh Hasib and Dr Rania; beholding the Majestic Ka'aba, the Ancient House of God; beholding the immense diversity and splendour of the Ummah, gathered in the Haram; the immense grant of the (several) guided Umrah trips; the soul-stirring surprise supper at the foot of Holy Mount Hira; the visit to the beautiful museum at Hira; the ride in the train between the two holy Sanctuaries; the beautiful walking tours of Medina al-Munawara; the visit to the exceptional museum in Medina; the visit to blessed Mount Uhud; the numerous prayers and meetings in the Holy Sanctuaries; the numerous ziyarat to Holy sites and holy companions and blessed wives of our holy Prophet; the exceptional accommodations, breakfast buffets and transportation; the immense efforts of our organizers Sara and brother Mohammed; the immense grant of the visitations to our dear and beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad; and so, so, so much more.

What an immense trip, what at immense trip, what an immense grant, without equal or count! MashAllah JazakAllah khayr to everyone at Celebrate Mercy, and to all of you, and to Allah Almighty- truly we are, humbled, forever indebted and thankful for this immense and weighty life-changing trip, tabarakAllah...


I want to thank everyone who participated on making this trip possible. It was a dream come true and I'm glad that Allah choose the CM team to be part of my mission to this journey. I trust that He is the best of planner and ask that He only plans the best for you and your families. May Allah pleases you all and your families, always continues to make y'all happy and may you all be pleased with Him. May He increases his wonderful favors in various ways.

Thank you, Jazakkal kheir

MashaAllah this trip started as a blessing, was experienced as a blessing and continues to bless me in innumerable ways since my return. I have gained a greater appreciation for CM and the work and method they approach serving our ummah in a prophetic way. Much love to all involved in making this trip possible and all those who attend.


Keep on top of our chat groups felt really good. Like you were there with us cheering us on.

I think Ustadha leasha is a remarkable

teacher and I think she made this trip so memorable for us all. I think Shaykh Hisham really helped me in Mecca when I was struggling with the 'loudness' of it, to appreciate the complexity of the place and correct my impressions of it. His gentle leadership was so perfect in Mecca and his voice on the earpiece made me feel calm and connected

Hasib is an excellent teacher MashaAllah and I hope you keep him involved

Mohamed deserves a medal for his diligence and Zainab kept us all striving and moving with her energy and focus. Thank you all!


I gained a so much, the ability to have a solid foundation and understanding of the origin of my religion as a convert this is such a gift that I can teach my sister who converted in 2016 a year after me and to be an example for my my entire family to become muslim.


I'm honestly so grateful to celebrate positive I learned so much through this trip and through all of their efforts of having different teachers tour guides who are really passionate about Islam. The group leaders make sure that we made every single event scheduled which makes me feel so full because I was able to attend everything even though I was tired I had the option of going in that's what I am grateful for the most that they made sure we knew what was happening throughout the days that we were in Medina and Mecca.


I had such a spiritual uplifting by seeing all the teachers and organizers following the Prophetic living in their day to day life by helping others, being so easily approachable and caring all the time.

Alhumdulillah I am extremely grateful to CM for everything that they did. It felt to me completely as though this whole trip was blessed through work that CM do to teach people about the love and mercy and character of our beloved Prophet swas. Through the work that you do and the salawat that you offer and initiate it felt as though the whole group was embraced and carried on the wings of Allah's angels, subhana'llah. Allah bless you, please share with all those involved with CM

Above all, I wanted to thank you all at CelebrateMercy for going out of your watly, spending what Allah knows was hours upon hours of planning, effort, and most of all compassion that I don't think I will ever forget. May Allah bless you (whoever is reading this) and all of those involved in every little last effort this trip with noor, with barakat, with Allah's love and mercy, with togetherness, and acceptance of your du'as.


As a black woman, I felt very grateful to be able to relate to my teachers and vice versa! Absolutely great people!

Ibhad a wonderful trip, thanks to all the Celebrate Mercy team including Dimple and rest of the staff! All of you went above and beyond to make the trip so well organized and easier for me and I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart, truly! Thank you so much!

May Allah give Tarek a lot of blessings for organizing the whole thing.

A great shout out to all our wonderful and precious teachers, May Allah preserve them.

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Video from CelebrateMercy's Umrah and Jerusalem pilgrimage captures Shaykh Hasib Noor and offers a glimpse into the experiences of the attendees. CelebrateMercy is organizing additional groups for these sacred journeys, including trips to Mecca and Medina in the Fall and Winter, and to Mecca, Medina, Jordan, and Jerusalem in the Spring.

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